PLEASE NOTE: Due to the increased volume of applications, The NEW Carry Concealed application process may take approximately 180+ - days to complete. Applications are processed in the order they are received.
RENEWAL Applications are typically processed within 30 to 90 days+- however, due to circumstances beyond our control, the application process may be longer.
For NEW and RENEWAL applications: you will receive an email if any additional information and/or documents are needed when your application is being processed by our staff. If you have questions regarding your CCW application, please email us at ccw@inyocounty.us
Effective January 1, 2024:
Starting January 1, 2024, according to SB2, New CCW applicants must obtain a 16-hour course certificate after they have applied for a CCW with the Inyo County Sheriff's Office. Renewal CCW applicants must obtain an 8-hour course certificate after they have applied for a CCW with the Inyo County Sheriff's Office. This bill also requires the CCW course of training to include instruction on firearm handling, and shooting technique, and to include a demonstration, by the applicant, of shooting proficiency and safe handling of each firearm the applicant will be licensed to carry. The training will include live-fire exercises conducted on a firing range. A licensing authority shall establish, and make available to the public, the standards it uses when issuing licenses with regard to the required live-fire shooting exercises, including, but not limited to, a minimum number of rounds to be fired and minimum passing scores from specified firing distances.
The minimum qualification course for The Inyo County Sheriff's Office will be 27 rounds: 3 rounds at 3 yards, 3 rounds from “gun hand” and 3 rounds from “support hand” to target at 5 yards, two “failure drills” to target at 7 yards, 8 rounds to target at 10 yards, 1 round to target in 12 seconds, repeat for a total of 4 times at 15 yards. Shooters will be permitted to reload as needed.
The passing score is 75% which equals missing 7 rounds outside the bottle outline on a standard FBI-Q target or its equivalent.
Starting January 01, 2019, all applications or changes will need to show proof of qualification for each gun listed on the permit, before your permit can be approved.
*All firearms must be registered to the applicant and applicants are no longer allowed to use a spouse's firearm on a permit.
General Information
Learning the laws regulating the use of firearms is a must for responsible ownership. Local regulations differ and laws vary from state to state. Citizens must check with the jurisdiction where the firearm is to be used.
In California, the Sheriff and his staff are required to follow strict state and local guidelines when performing the necessary background checks for issuing Concealed Carry Weapon licenses. Due to the detailed nature involved with conducting these background checks, appointment times and processing times can take multiple weeks. During the application process, the applicant will be asked to schedule an interview appointment for a new Concealed Carry Weapon license. Please note that for a new Concealed Carry Weapon license a non-refundable $100 application fee will be required to reserve an appointment for an interview.
Applicants RENEWING a Concealed Carry Weapon license in Inyo County may apply up to 180 days before the expiration date listed on their current Concealed Carry Weapon license. There is a 60 day grace period AFTER expiration. However, if you exceed 60-days you must apply as a “New Applicant”.
- The cost for a New Concealed Carry Weapon license is $135.00. An applicant will pay a non-refundable $100 application fee, and if approved, be asked to pay an additional $35 prior to receiving their Concealed Carry Weapon license. These costs do not include LiveScan fingerprinting fees or training costs.
- A Standard Renewal of a Concealed Carry Weapon license costs $77.
- Any Modification (e.g. residence or firearm change) to a Concealed Carry Weapon license costs $10.
- For credit card transactions a nominal credit card transaction fee will be charged for each transaction. Charges will be viewable prior to transaction completion.
- Appointments for Concealed Carry Weapon licenses will be processed on Wednesdays.
- Click the appropriate button on the left of the screen to proceed with an application for a Concealed Carry Weapon license.
Please visit the below website for further information regarding a Concealed Carry Weapon License in Inyo County:
Gaining competency with firearms is like learning to drive a car or fly an airplane. You need expert instruction and practice. There is no shortcut. If you are not willing to invest the time and effort to become competent, then having a firearm and trying to use it can, in many instances, be more hazardous than any impending threat.
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Concealed Carry Weapon License Requirements: must meet ALL requirements
California Penal Code sections 26150 and 26155 provide that a Sheriff of a county or the Chief or other head of municipal police department of any city, or city and county, shall issue or renew a license to carry a pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person (Concealed Carry Weapon license).
Who Shall be Issued a License
The licensing authority specified in Penal Code sections 26150 and 26155 shall issue a license to persons who are not a disqualified person to receive such a license, as determined in accordance with the standards set forth in Penal Code 26202, meet residential requirements, and have completed a course of training. All applicants for a Concealed Carry Weapon license will be fingerprinted and state and federal records will be checked to determine if they are eligible to possess firearms. Click here to view all categories that would prohibit a person from possessing firearms and being granted a Concealed Carry Weapon license.
Completing the Application
California Penal Code sections 26150 and 26155 provide that a sheriff of a county or the chief or other head of a municipal police department of any city or city and county shall issue a license to carry a pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person (CCW license). Penal Code section 26175 requires the Attorney General to prescribe a statewide standard application form for a CCW license. Answering all the questions on the Application does not guarantee the issuance of a Concealed Weapon Permit. The determination whether to issue the license is at the discretion of the licensing authority. Pursuant to California Penal Code section 26160, each licensing authority will have a written policy summarizing their requirements for issuance of a Concealed Weapon Permit. In addition, prior to issuing a Concealed Weapon Permit, the California State Statutes require proof that:
- The applicant is not a disqualified person to receive such a license, as determined in accordance with the standards set forth in Penal Code 26202;
- The applicant is at least 21 years of age, and presents clear evidence of the person’s identity and age, as defined in Penal Code 16400;
- The applicant is a resident of that city or city and county. Prima facie evidence of residency within the county or a city within the county includes, but is not limited to, the address where the applicant is registered to vote, the applicant’s filing of a homeowner’s property tax exemption, and other acts, occurrences, or events that indicate presence in the county or a city within the county is more than temporary or transient. The presumption of residency in the county or city within the county may be rebutted by satisfactory evidence that the applicant’s primary residence is in another county or city within the county;
- The course of training prescribed by the licensing authority has been completed.
- The applicant is the recorded owner, with the Department of Justice, of the pistol, revolver, or other firearm for which the license will be issued.
Character References
You will need to provide the names and contact information of three persons willing to serve as references. One of the three must be a person described in Penal Code section 273.5, subdivision (b) (your spouse, or former spouse, your cohabitant or former cohabitant, your fiancée, or someone with whom you have, or previously had, an engagement or dating relationship, or the mother or father of your child), if applicable. At least one of the three must be your cohabitant if applicable.
Training Required
If applying for a NEW Concealed Carry Weapon license a course approved by the County Sheriff’s Office must be completed prior to permit issuance. This course will be a minimum of 16 hours.
If applying for a RENEWAL Concealed Carry Weapon license, a 8 hour course approved by the County Sheriff’s Office must be completed prior to permit issuance.
If applying for a MODIFICATION to your current Concealed Carry Weapon license that includes a firearm change, you will need to submit training certifications from a traning vendor approved by the County Sheriff’s Office.
- Firearms Training course providers must be approved by the Inyo County Sheriff’s Office: LIST OF TRAINERS
Prior to Filling Out This Application
- Be prepared to scan a copy of your valid California driver’s license, or state issued ID, which has your current address in Inyo County.
- You must have written verification from the firearms instructor that you can safely manipulate and fire each weapon listed on the application. The course instructor must be the one approved by the Inyo County Sheriff's Office.
For More Information, Contact:
Inyo County Sheriff's Office
Administrative Address: 550 S Clay St.
Mailing Address: P.O. Drawer S
Independence, CA 93526
Email: ccw@inyocounty.us
Telephone: 760-878-0336
Fax: 760-878-0389
Website: https://www.inyocounty.us/
For Technical Support, Contact:
Permitium Software
Email: help@permitium.com
Phone: (855) 642-2453